No rain yesterday. Flea played her make up game and lost. But since it is a tournament, we go back tonight. If we lose tonight we are done for the season. This is Honey all bundled up for the game. This time of year it is cold at night. It got down to 34* last night (of course no rain which would have meant snow heavy sigh!!!)

Yesterday, was spent with Netflix instant movies. I watched the Crazies, the Duchess, and Paranormal Activity. The Crazies - really? Not so much. The Duchess was fabulous, I put it on my Nook wish list to read the book. (I put books I come across on my wish list which is on my Nook so that when I am ready to download more books there they are. I just hit buy and viola!!! Reading in mere minutes!!! Love love love my Nook! The first is the Nook I have, the second is the new Nook that just came out, kinda like a iPad. Honey says I can get the new one for my birthday but I am not so sure. My Nook I can read in direct sunlight, I can read for hours and my eyes don't hurt, and the battery life is amazing.
The new Nook, is in color and is all touch screen. I can get full color on my magazines and knitting/crochet books. But I don't know if I can read in the sunlight andif the bright screen will hurt my eyes. It is pretty. Decisions, decisions.)
Back to the movies: Paranormal Activity was horrible!!! Not scary, just boring. Glad I didn't pay money for it!!
Below, is just an extra shot. I took pictures last night at the game, but apparently, I need to work on my night photography!!