Yeah I know, it's Monday but the pictures have been sitting in my camera. I was actually out and about this weekend!! No time to sit at the computer. We had another Christmas parade to watch, family movie night (Pirates of the Carribean At Worlds End, Snow Dogs, and The Grinch!!!!!), then Sunday was church and Knotty Knitters at Starbucks!!! Sunday night was our alone time - kids are showered and in bed EARLY (when I was a kid I had to go to bed by 8pm and as a night owl my whole life I hated that!! But as a mom I see the wisdom of children in bed early!! Hee hee!! My kids however, don't seem to care. There is no whinning or complaining, probably because unlike my folks, I don't care if they stay up for awhile and read. They are pretty good about selfregulating and turning out the lights on their own. Mostly.) and then Honey and I get to spend a few quite mintues by ourselves. We watched Amazing Race. She then crashed and I watched The Guardian. I know many people don't like Kevin Costner, but I for some reason LOVE his movies. I will watch all 90 hours of one movie of his and they all do seem to run llllooonnnggg. Don't know what it is, don't really care, I just love his movies.
Anyway, it was finally COLD this past weekend. We almost got snow, missed us by about 500 hundred feet. Dogs water bowls froze and the chihuahuas were dreaming of summer, but me?? I was outside - FINALLY cooled!!! I hate being 40ish. Well, not really, but I do dislike the ALWAYS being freakin' hot!!!! I mean it is 27 degrees outside and I'm thinking nice night, let me open the windows. My family is like popcicles and I am in a tank top and shorts!!!
I finally got award notices from the kids for today, so I am off to school. I will have pictures from this weekend and today up soon. (I know, you can hardly wait!!!)