I loved Twilight. Edward was okay but the bad vamp, James, was HOT! Something about those bad boys I guess. Of course they left the door wide open for the second movie.
The only thing about the movie was the teenage girls watching the movie and feeling the need to scream every five seconds. But Honey said, they are just teenage girls. Oh well, I will get the movie when it comes out on DVD and watch in quite to my hearts content. =)
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
So I missed a few days!!!
Also, school registration is this week. The fun just never stops. I am planning almost a full load next semster, send lots of study vibes! =)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Fall Ball is almost OVER!!!!
Thank goodness we are almost done! We are coming into my favorite time of year - Mom time. This is the time between sport season and we do what mom wants to do. We are not run by sports schedules but actually get to do whatever. Clean the garage, the backyard, get the front yard ready for spring - ok we get to go to the movies, sightseeing (wine country, take the dogs to the beach, etc.)
Then in January we start the sports thing for the year all over again.
Short school week this week and I have some pictures from the weekend to put up tomorrow.
Then in January we start the sports thing for the year all over again.
Short school week this week and I have some pictures from the weekend to put up tomorrow.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
National Blog Posting Month

Saturday, November 1, 2008
One of my assignments was to take pictures of a landscape. So, Honey and I got up before the break of dawn and headed of to Vasquez Rocks to take some breathtaking pics. However, the park doesn't open until 8am so I did some long exposure shooting:
We then headed off to Little Rock dam and while Max had a blast, I had a great time shooting pictures (only one of which is below):
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
A couple of weeks ago we went with some friends to BJ's for dinner. Three hours later (?! Three hours for dinner ?!) we had a great time out with adults! Of course all we talked about were our kids and our dogs. Honey even took a smiling picture with me.
Sorry about the sideways picture - I have no idea why blogger put it up this way!!=) But the big news is Max is now Max, CGC! Yes this past weekend he earned his Canine Good Citizen from the AKC. A notable feat for a Husky. In two weeks he goes for his PAT or Pet Assisted Therapy.

Peanut is in training but can't test for CGC until she is six months and PAT untill she is one.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sorry it's been awhile since the last post!!!!!
Ok so the old, "I've been buzy with school!" excuse really is lame. But it is true. Not only did classes begin but so did fall ball. AND, both Peanut and Max are in training classes, hopefully Max will be ready to take his therapy dog teat in October. Let's just say there are reasons why not many huskys are therapy dogs! Not because they are mean or stupid but because they are STUBBORN! Max knows what he is supposed to do (listen to Honey) he sometimes chooses not to listen. Just 'cause. Gotta love him. But Princess Peanut is doing gangbusters, for a almost four month old pup! Her attention span is about two minutes long - but lucky for me she loves her treats. Our big problem is the sit-stay and I walk out of the room. She "forgets" she is supposed to stay until I release her. Oh well!
Fall ball has started and both girls are on the same team. And oldest daughter is pitching, youngest daughter is learning. =)
Honey is coaching the junior boys team. That is middle son in the catchers garb. Of course they are the Dodgers.
Here is oldest son - he is hoping to become a professional umpire someday. He graduates from high school this year and wants to go to umpire school next summer.
The goofs - I was trying to take a picture for class. I gave up.

Sunday, August 17, 2008
The Temptations
Last Saturday was a free concert at the park. Palmdale does this every summer and a couple of years ago built this beautiful outdoor theater to stage them. I've seen America, Daryl Worley, The Village People (don't giggle, it was fun!) and this year, The Temptations!!
Ok, so I was the only one of my family to be excited about it!!! As you can PLAINLY see here.
But the sunset was beautiful and the park was filled to capacity!!!!
And then the Tempatations hit the stage!!!! It was great - although I did manage to tick some guy off - because I was dancing (for goodness sake at an outdoor concert!!!) and he coudln't see! Whatever - it was a free outdoor concert!!!! Move!!!!

They were great!!! I have done some knitting and crocheting!! Pictures as soon as I charge up the camera batteries!!!! And school a week from Monday!!! Two classes!!! Yippeee!!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Did you feel it?

Of course I called my dad to let him know we were ok, he didn't even know there had been a quake. I texted my brothers and sisters (love technology!!) to let them know - and called Honey who had no idea what I was talking about. So, quakes are hit and miss as to if one feels it or not.
Living here on the San Andreas fault presents its own concerns - but as of today with this quake we survived one more!!!!
Thank you God for keeping us safe yet again!!
3-Day Walk to wipe out breast cancer!!!
My sister had decided to do this walk in January. Then in June, as you all know, we lost my grandmother to breast cancer.
This is from the American Cancer Society webpage:
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States, other than skin cancer. It is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, after lung cancer.
About 182,460 women in the United States will be found to have invasive breast cancer in 2008.
About 40,480 women will die from the disease this year. Right now there are about two and a half million breast cancer survivors in the United States.
The chance of a woman having invasive breast cancer some time during her life is about 1 in 8.
The chance of dying from breast cancer is about 1 in 35. Breast cancer death rates are going down. This is probably the result of finding the cancer earlier and improved treatment.
De-Anne (my sister) is walking November 21-23 in San Diego. Please click on the donation button on my side bar and help her out!! Thanks everyone!
This is from the American Cancer Society webpage:
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States, other than skin cancer. It is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, after lung cancer.
About 182,460 women in the United States will be found to have invasive breast cancer in 2008.
About 40,480 women will die from the disease this year. Right now there are about two and a half million breast cancer survivors in the United States.
The chance of a woman having invasive breast cancer some time during her life is about 1 in 8.
The chance of dying from breast cancer is about 1 in 35. Breast cancer death rates are going down. This is probably the result of finding the cancer earlier and improved treatment.
De-Anne (my sister) is walking November 21-23 in San Diego. Please click on the donation button on my side bar and help her out!! Thanks everyone!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Twilight contest!!!

I read the first book while in San Fransico. Go here for Stephenie Meyers stuff.
But go here for a really cool contest!!! I have stumbled upon The Story Siren and will be spending more time over at her place. Here are the details (directly from her page!!!) Please head over there for more!!!!!
Three winners will win their choice of Team Edward or Team Jacob buttons.
One second prize winner will win their choice of a paperback copy of Twilight/New Moon or a $10 gift card to Amazon.com, their choice of Team Edward/Jacob/Esme/Bella/Emmett/Carlisle/Alice/Jasper or Runs with Vampires/Forever short sleeved T-shirt from Twilight Teez and their choice of a Team Edward or Team Jacob button. (One (1) book or gift card, one (1) t-shirt, one (1) button)
The Grand Prize winner will win the complete Twilight Series: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, their choice of Team Edward/Jacob/Esme/Bella/Emmett/Carlisle/Alice/Jasper or Runs with Vampires/Forever short sleeved t-shirt from Twilight Teez and their choice of a Team Edward or Team Jacob button. (Four (4) books, one (1) t-shirt, one (1) button)
This contest is only open to the U.S. and Canada. Sorry rest of the world!
The Deadline for this contest is August 2nd at midnight eastern time.
The winner will be announced August 3rd.To enter: leave a comment or email me at thestorysiren(at)hotmail(dot)com with Breaking Dawn as the subject. If you do not have a blogger profile please leave a your name or a nickname with your comment so that you can be identified. Anonymous comments with no id will be thrown out. If you email me I will send you a confirmation email.
Monday, July 21, 2008
When we said goodbye.....

On July 10, 2008 we said our goodbyes to my grandma. She was 91 years old and loved by all who were lucky enough to know her. My family gathered in Ventura and although the occasion was one of sadness - my family can always be counted on to laugh - ALOT! And that is what we did, we laughed and it was just as grandma would have wanted. The night before she passed away, my brother Joe was with her and she told him, "There is so much love in this family." He told that there was and then she asked, "Did I do that?" He replied that she did.
She made each one of us feel as though we were her favorite. She had lists of those she prayed for - everyday. She was a remarkable woman and although I miss her so very much, I am glad she and my grandfather are now together.
Anyway, here are some pictures from Ventura. The San Buenaventura Mission.

Some of the "Boys"!!!
My Uncle Phil - grandma's brother (he is 93 years old and still goes to work at his barber shop every day!!!!) mom and Aunt Angie.
My mom and Dad and brothers and sisters!! Good looking bunch, aren't we?

The kids needed to get out after being dressed up all day - so we all headed over to the beach. Honey and I - look she is actually smiling!!!
My sister De-Anne being a goof! Chariots of Fire run.
Do you remember sinking into the sand?
The only people in the water - and all related!!
My goddaughter Olivia!!! Isn't she the cutest thing!!
And she is a ham!!!
Everyone on the mission side of Ventura knows my Uncle Phil!! Their picture is on the Tortilla Flats mural, which is on the way to the beach.
The GreenMill Ballroom is where my grandparents met. At a dance - he already had a girlfriend and she was chaparoned by Uncle Phil. The girlfriend was forgotten and they were married a year later before he went into the service.
As the saying for the day was - "Grandma would have wanted it!" We went out to toast Grandma!
My sister Dede and her husband Mike. And my brother Dom and his wife, Shelly.

Almost all of us!!!
I returned to Las Vegas with my Mom and Dad for an extra week. Each Saturday my mother and grandmother would go to early mass, have dinner, and then either go to a movie or do some shopping. I was a poor substitute for grandma but off we went to Mass, and then dinner with some of the ladies. My mom is in the middle.
Friday Honey came to get me and bring me home. But she had a little surprise for me. We had a great day - first we went to see The Dark Knight - which was great BTW!!!! - and then she had gotten us a room at Whiskey Petes! We did some shopping at the outlet mall - had a great dinner and did some gambling!! It was a fab way to go from the parents house to home and real life!!! This is the view from our room and all of the traffic going into Vegas!!!!

So, now I am home and unpacking and getting back to "real-life!" I did register for school and start August 25th!!

So, now I am home and unpacking and getting back to "real-life!" I did register for school and start August 25th!!
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