This weekend was a blast!!!! Alice in Wonderland was awesome!! The girls and I had so much fun. Of course, we miss judged the wait in line. The Twilight movies, if one is not there HOURS ahead of time, one is waiting outside in the cold. We were in line almost three hours before anyone else showed up!!! We each had friends we met at the theatre so I went one way to sit, and the girls each went with a friend someplace else (but I could still see them!) After the movie, Honey and I jumped in the car and took off for Arizona!

The White Sox Opening Day for spring training was friday and we had four rows up, behind home plate tickets!!!! The Dodgers opening day was Saturday. First, let me say that Camelback Ranch is a beautiful place to watch a baseball game. And if one gets there early enough one can watch batting practice and then as the players are heading back to the locker room for the game, they sign autographs and take pictures with fans. It is amazing!!

Friday and Saturday the weather was beautiful! Sunny and warm, so great for baseball!! But by Friday night I was wiped and hit the hay early! Saturday night we went to dinner and walked around and pretty much just enjoyed ourselves, being together!!!

We had tickets for Sundays game but it was rained out!!! This shot is from the raod on the way home. I liked the lines the raod and clouds created, drawing the eye to the center of the picture. (Blackberry shot!!)

Now to explain my captures!!! The top is of the first poppies in my yard!! My front yard is dirt right now, so I angled up and got the flower and the sky! In the second shot, my friend Sarah really liked the reflection in the sunglasses, so I tried to focus the viewer to that. Manny Ramirez "hitting"! I cannot believe the Dodgers let Pierre go for this guy!!! Third, the clouds from Monday! (I love cloud pictures!!!) My future husband, Eric Gagne is back!!! And I got to watch him pitch one inninng!!! Love him! I hope he has a good season this year!!! And lastly, a shot of Manny's shoes! Yup, we were THAT close to the field!! More pictures to come today that are not part of the project, just of the weekend. I love Arizona!!! Well, I love Arizona in the spring, fall, and winter. The summer not so much!!!! Arizona is so beautiful!! It is so on my list!!!!
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