So, on Sunday I went to my Knottyknitters meeting. I had a blast!!!
Darcy modeled my bracelet purse. It was so great to get out of the house and knit with these women. I have been in a funk that I cannot pull out of and it was nice just
being for a moment.

Monday morning, having been inspired by Leesa, I whipped up these bags for my small knitting projects. I have been using ziplock bags and as Leesa said - I needed to step it up! The pirate bag is from a pattern I got out of a quilt magazine. The drawstring bags, well are drawstring bags. I see many more of these in my future. They are really quick so maybe I can step up my gift bag also. Not just paper bags.

This is Spot, aka Gigantor. The puppies are now three weeks old and eyes have open but not focused. They are getting up on their legs and not just scooting. And their teeth are coming in which is making everyone a bit cranky!!! But seriously aren't they cute?

This going to be my next pair of socks. Socks that rock in Christmas Balls and Rockstar. Purchased at Stitches. My plan is two at a time times two. One skein of Christmas and one of Rockstar. When I am done I will have a pair of socks in each. That's the plan.

I have completed one sock for Honey. She requested short socks. Good thing cause with STR yarn calling my name - long socks would have been problematic. Plus I don't think I will ever do one sock at a time again. Too much stress to match patterns and size.

Peanut trying to escape - couldn't muster the strength and took a nap instead!