Whether they are human or not, having little beings in the house is exhausting!!!!! But they are the cutest little things.

I guess exhaustion is going around. Ms. Baby is a great mom. But she needs to go out every hour or so, cause I guess, she is eating and drinking so much to feed all those mouths. Which means Honey and I are up every hour or so to let her out. Thank goodness my last class was today and my final is next Wednesday. Then summer!!!

I love this picture. The behind you are gazing upon belongs to Peanut, the smallest of the group.

Max is just confused and apparently not allowed near his puppies. Just yet. Another week or so I'm thinking Mom will be happy to let somebody else take over the watching of babies.
All stars is coming up soon and then blessed relief!!!!! Softball and baseball will be done!!!!!! I am really looking forward to some down time!!!!