After the arrival of Mater (Thomas Michael) - I drove our youngest three to Las Vegas for a weeks visit with my mom and dad.

The girls and I made enchiladas and mexican rice. Ok, so I had to be shown for about the millionth time how to do it, I can't make rice at home if my life depended on it!

My rice! Turned out pretty good. I think I just need better cooking impliments at my house!

This would be my niece - now renamed Blanket!

And my goddaughter - Olivia!

My nephew Jake! I love these kids!!

Great Uncle Andrew and Mater taking a nap!

Great Aunt Lala (making sure her toes are pointed! That would be Olivias foot imitating mom!!)

I have a beautiful family!

Ok, I have been crocheting and knitting! Mater has a blanket - really need to get pictures of that! I am working on baseball blanket for him now. I also have two baby girl showers coming up and Honey is not happy her blanket has been WIP all summer long and not close to being done!!!
Tonight we are going to the Dodger game! We are sitting in Mannywood seats! Sweet! And Saturday I am going back to Vegas to pick up kids.
I have registered for school which starts in August, web design and wedding photography. And, thank you heavens above, school for the high schoolers is quickly approaching!