Last Saturday was a free concert at the park. Palmdale does this every summer and a couple of years ago built this beautiful outdoor theater to stage them. I've seen America, Daryl Worley, The Village People (don't giggle, it was fun!) and this year, The Temptations!!
Ok, so I was the only one of my family to be excited about it!!! As you can PLAINLY see here.
But the sunset was beautiful and the park was filled to capacity!!!!
And then the Tempatations hit the stage!!!! It was great - although I did manage to tick some guy off - because I was dancing (for goodness sake at an outdoor concert!!!) and he coudln't see! Whatever - it was a free outdoor concert!!!! Move!!!!

They were great!!! I have done some knitting and crocheting!! Pictures as soon as I charge up the camera batteries!!!! And school a week from Monday!!! Two classes!!! Yippeee!!!