I know it's been a long time since I have written, but here are a TON of pics to make up for my lack. Plus there is a new addition to our family tree and she is fabulous!!!! But first, my goddaughter (and new big sister).
I spent a week in SF for the new arrival and the day I was to come home, this happened!!!!

While I was waiting for the tow truck I took this picture. Aren't these flowers beautiful???

Here is the whole gang bowling. Yes I know we were absolutely crazy because, the woman in the braown sweater had just given birth 6 as in SIX) days earlier. But she said we needed to be out of the house for the cleaning ladies and so we went bowling!!! She paid for it dearly as she spent the next two as she was down for the next two days!!!!!
When she was little my mom made her a bunny costume for Halloween.

She said, "I don't wanna be no bunny!" We have a picture with same look. Hence the bunny ears my mom bought for her for easter!!!

My nephew playing ball. He was so excited because his aunties and nona went to see his game!!!! Isn't he the cutest?!


We all had our feet made pretty!!!

The most delicious breakfast at Millies!!!!


d here she is!!!!

My mom, sister and baby girl!!!!

My girls and I on the couch!!!!

All in all we had a great time in San Fransico! More stories and pictures to follow, but right now I am in the process of REALLY spring cleaning and involves moving furniture and rearranging. And at this moment I am in the middle of piles sky high!!!!