Ok I know it's talk like a pirate day!!! Sorry for the recent disappearance, but I have had a week one would not believe!!!

Well, the Amazons won last week!! They are now 4 and 0!!! Sweet!! They play at home this Saturday, 7:00pm Basset School Be There!!!

The other news is we almost lost Baby!! And the real reason for my disappearance. No, we knew where she was, we just didn't know how sick she was!! Last Tuesday she stopped eating and when she drank she would throw up. Wednesday we took her to the vet and he suspected either parvo (Are you kidding me?) or poison. She spent the night and was kinda cleared of parvo but as her kidneys and liver were shutting down not the poison. The vet thought grapes, GRAPES!!??!!, was the toxin in question. She came home Thursday because after a night of IV fluids she looked better. But Friday she was back at the vets. Friday afternoon we got the call that she had a collapsed stomach. Who has ever heard of that? Anyway, they wanted to do surgery on Saturday morning. Luckily, Saturday was a bye week for the football team, cause Honey just wouldn't have been able to concentrate on the game. After the surgery the vet tells us that her stomach had not collapsed, but she had a blocked bowel AND an inssupception (meaning the intestine had folded in on itself). Turns out the dog who never chews on anything ate a rag of some kind and it got stuck!! They got to her just in time. She stayed at the emergency clinic Saturday night because there would be no one at the vets to watch her. She came home Sunday afternoon and is doing just great!!! A little sore, but still wanting to go for her walks. Especially as the weather is beautiful right now!! All who came in contact with Baby just fell in love with her and even questioned whether or not she is really a siberian husky. OUr regular vet emailed while on his vacation (he left after operating on Baby) and the emergency clinic doc called to ask about her.
She is now back to demanding her love, sleeping on my pillows, and best of all eating and drinking again!!!
We are now easing back into our hikes, vet said one week light activity. Apparantely he has not ever met a Sibe!! Because she is literally dragging me around the block, she wants to run!!!!